Articles Tagged with Puerto Rican Bonds

On October 1, 2013, Victor Gómez, Jr. a retired auto executive filed an action against UBS for investment fraud related to Puerto Rican bonds. According to the Caribbean News, this is the first of  many legal actions expected to be filed in FINRA against UBS Financial Services, Inc. Mr. Gómez and his family are seeking $30 million in restitution for their investment losses, attorneys’ fees, punitive damages, and other costs. Gómez and his family claim that UBS designed an unsuitable investment strategy, never properly disclosed the risks,  and implemented an “illicit and fraudulent scheme perpetrated to generate exorbitant profits… in utter disregard of the best interests of claimants, public interest and applicable laws and regulations.”

According to the Caribbean News, the statement of claim names: “UBS Financial Services Inc.; UBS Bank USA; UBS financial consultants and investment executives José M. Ramirez and Carlos Freire Borges; UBS senior officer Doel García; UBS Puerto Rico CEO Carlos Ubiñas; and other unidentified UBS officials.”

According to sources, the funds at issue were:

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