Articles Tagged with Charles Ferrill

shutterstock_182004416Our firm is investigating claims made by Arkansas Securities Commissioner against brokers Raymond Adcock (Adcock) and Charles Bailey Ferrill, Jr. (Ferrill) concerning their raising of funds for a business plan to operate a hedge fund through two companies – Talon LLC created in February 2011 and Talon LP created in February 2012 (Talon Entities).  (See In re Raymond Dickie Adcock, Case No. S-14-0008).  Both brokers were registered with The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) at the time.

Both Ferrill and Adcock were most recently registered with broker-dealer Regal Securities, Inc. (Regal), an Arkansas registered broker-dealer firm based in Glenview, Illinois.  According to the State of Arkansas, while employed by Regal, Ferrill worked in the Regal office supervised by Adcock.

According to the consent order, Talon LLC served as the general partner and investment manager of Talon LP and no individuals other than Adcock and Ferrill had control over the Talon Entities at any point in time.  Further, Ferrill managed the Talon Entities out of Regal’s branch location and used the same telephone and facsimile numbers as the Regal branch office to conduct Talon business.  However, the Talon entities never registered with the State of Arkansas.

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